Seiko spoke with a small smile "let's get out of here okay?" Naomi nodded and wiped away her tears.Ī scream was heard. Did she love Seiko? "I have been kind of Considering it okay!? I just felt so alone!" Seiko and Naomi hugged. "Maybe I was hallucinating or something but I just wanted you to at least consider me to be your lover!" Naomi took a step back very conflicted. "Your acusing me of trying to murder you!? sure I yelled at you! But I didn't put you on that noose! You did!I did yell at you but I didn't mean it!"Seiko was crying. Seiko opened her mouth to speak and mustered "What happened. "S-Seiko please!" Seiko backed into the back of the stall. When she did this she bolted up clumsily and tried to get out. "I'm so Sorry Seiko! I didn't been to yell at you! I tried to say sorry before but something was in my mouth and then I passed out-" Seiko finally looked at Naomi directly. Pretty much a film of tears and sweat covered her face. "Seiko you idiot! How could you try and leave me alone!" Naomi's face was hot with tears. When the moods was gone Seiko was carefully set on the ground. Maybe she didn't have the strength? Naomi reached behind Seiko's neck and slowly unitied the noose. Seiko seemed to be breathing but wasn't moving. Naomi, filled with adrenaline, got under Seiko and boosted her on her shoulders. Naomi thought as she quickly thought about what she could do. 'She's alive! What do I do to get her down. Seiko Shinohara couldn't respond only made gurgling noises which indicated she was alive.

Naomi looked at her friend in horror and screamed. Naomi shinozaki stood in front a bathroom stall where her best friend which she had mixed feelings for was hanging from a noose that was loosley around her neck.

I'm not going to be boring and just switch deaths. This is going to be a deathswap for the main characters.